Georgia Executive Order – Guidelines for the Reopening of Restaurants

2020-06-26T11:20:57-07:00April 28th, 2020|

I do realize there is a lot of information swirling through the air about how to deal with this nightmare, on so many different fronts. Scientists, Doctors, Attorneys, Insurance folks, Financial Analysts and the list goes on. And of course, let’s not forget the millions who are quarantined that weigh on anything and everything, mostly

Three best practices for keeping employees

2020-03-15T05:40:52-07:00March 15th, 2020|

I’m always hearing my clients, as well as others in various businesses, complaining about the lack of qualified applicants to hire. They blame everything and everyone; low unemployment, poor quality schooling and of course, the ever-popular, “entitled and lazy millennials”.  Fact is, while finding great people is a challenge, the real challenge and the one

Hiring Top Talent – 6 Mistakes and 6 Best Practices

2020-02-16T20:45:06-08:00February 16th, 2020|

So life is good, your business is growing, your customers seem happy and money is starting to roll in. You’re moving at a million miles per hour and, of course, you know you need the right people or you won’t be able to continue. So how do you keep up with your growing company’s talent

6 Ways to Identifying Strategic Leadership

2019-07-22T09:49:02-07:00July 22nd, 2019|

It seems like everyone out there in the business community likes to label and/or typecast leaders over time. As an executive coach and former CEO/COO, I wish I had a nickel for every time we labeled those in a leadership position as not being “strategic” enough to move their company forward. We often default to

Prioritizing the Priorities – 6 ways to make time work for you

2019-08-25T07:01:52-07:00June 16th, 2019|

It’s funny how we talk about time – we spend it, save it, buy it. Time is money, and even when we have “free time,” well, it’s not really free is it? As a business leader, time is your greatest asset – and probably your biggest challenge as well. There just aren’t enough hours in

Creating an Environment of Trust

2019-05-13T09:56:48-07:00May 13th, 2019|

Successful businesses are built on relationships, and at the foundation of all relationships is trust.   Without trust for each other and their leaders (you), your team will never truly engage, and your company will never have the kind of culture that drives success. Engaged workers bring creativity and passion to the workplace – two

Results Driven Leadership – Developing Managers into Leaders

2019-03-05T08:03:38-08:00March 1st, 2019|

Starting a business takes guts. Running a successful business requires a whole lot more. Results Driven Leadership picks up where most business owners fail, providing the training, coaching and mentorship owners and managers need to positively impact their company’s culture, reputation, and bottom line. At RDL, our mission is to guide businesses toward their full

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