PENN Ultimate's Tips, Tricks and Business Insights



The High Cost of Low Morale (And What to do About it)

Morale is a state of mind. It involves feelings and emotions. Since morale is created within each employee, it is often considered an elusive quality. Morale is the attitude toward or perception of the job, work environment, team members, managers and the organization as a whole. Positive employee morale is usually

Heaven and Hell – 5 tips for single dads raising a teenage daughter.

Curfews, makeup, training bras, real bras, mood swings, BOYS!… Raising kids as a single parent is never easy, but raising a teenage daughter as a single dad? Well, that can be frustrating at best and sheer torture at worst. From boyfriends and prom dresses to teen angst, drugs and alcohol,

It’s Important to Create an Environment of Trust

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